Friday, November 26, 2010


Essentially, my quilt block portrays the "Shrinking Chatters" African Safari along with the "Fitness Foodies" Great North American Tour. These events took place between September 2008 and August 2009. The animal print used as the ground cover suggests the African continent: the beginning, the basis, if you will, of our journey. The blue background and the stars in the sky are representative of the American participants in these two tours. The maple leaf represents our Canadian companions. They also depict the two North American Countries visited along the GNAT leg of our journey. The runner is symbolic of me, of my personal quest and participation in this monumental achievement. What started out as a crazy dream in August of 2008 found us logging enough miles to traverse 2 continents and over 12 countries in less than a year. I was honored to be a part of this journey and am very proud of everyone who participated. I would like to take a moment to recognize Luis Bueno. Without his daily support, motivation, and hard work, behind the scenes, these threads would not have been the success they were. 

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