Friday, November 26, 2010

Soup-lover Sue

July 3, 2009
The day started out much different then most.
It was filled with such Chaos, dispair, grief, frustration, hopelessness, anger, ______________(choose your own word)! If you were trying to log on to All Recipes, you couldnt.
Many had recipes they were needing to get to prepare for the July 4th celebration.  Some just wanted to chat and read.  The emails started pouring out, the Chat room got busy, everyone wanted answers, to the BIG question...WHAT HAPPEN TO AR, WE CANT LOG ON.
Minutes seened like hours...sadly they had a fire in the building which caused the havic. We never want that to happen again. I thought this reminder would be better then any information I could give about myself.
It was a stange day for all of us together. I am Soup-lover Sue, now stay Warm and Cozy.

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